
Part I: Nations diversity and mankind progress

Science, culture, lifestyle, philosophy, and development of these things, disclosure of subtlety, implementation of innovation, development; discussion and creation is Mankind progress, essence.  

Diversity is necessary for the process of discussion, creation (progress). Diversity of attitudes, interests, and highlights may be defined by a common concept – diversity of abilities.

This allows treating problems from different sides, creatively - increases the possibility to find a way out of the wood, answer a difficult question, solve a problem, and improve the situation: if one, second, third, or one hundred and fifteenth approach, method is not effective, yet another, different approach and method will find the solution.


Abilities diversity Mankind  progress, essence


Diversity of attitudes, interests, highlights, insights, and thoughts depends on people. On their diversity.

People diversity depends on the elements and reasons promoting it. They can be divided into two types:

1) External;

2) Internal.

External reasons causing people diversity are of political, cultural, and social nature.

Internal reasons causing people diversity are of anthropological, physical, and mental-psychological nature. A large part of them is natural, genetically patrimonial. Human body characteristics (body structure, features of hair, face, skin, and muscles) and ones inner characteristics (temperament, flight, environmental focus, insight, taste, and sensitivity to factors) have been forming during millennia. Being exposed to the environment and time they have finally evolved into a diverse palette of features. People living in one place started possessing one features, and living elsewhere - other features, etc. These groups of people are nations.

Therefore, one nation possesses dominant features such as for example blond hair, blue eyes, stamina, ironical sense of humor, creating pessimism, another - dark, curly hair, brown eyes, dark skin, strong muscles, optimism, and the third - black, straight hair, sidelong, brown eyes, small body constitution, and mildness. And etc. All this describes the concept of nationality.

Nationality is a fusion of inner, uncontrollable, natural reactions to the surrounding world, natural behavior, physical characteristics, temperament, outlook, ability to focus and see, which is characteristic of a particular group of people nearby.

Of course, one may wonder: why the world needs diversity of nations? It is worthwhile to raise this question because there are people who maintain that diversity of nations is unimportant or even faulty. In a sense, as if by itself it would raise theoretical threat of people (nations) conflict.

However, such attitude is short-sighted and forthright. Vël klausimas - kodël? Again the question - why? After all many wars, conflicts were really among nations... However, substantially analyzing the question of military conflict, we notice that the principal place in logical chain is this: all would agree that evil (universally avoided  matter) is not the divergence of groups of people, but the very conflicts; and conflicts may be (and have to be) prevented differently (after all, the most frequent and significant reasons for conflicts and wars are completely different: political, economic, social, religious ...), rather than at the expense of nations/humanity diversity.

The rather that nations diversity is humanity wealth and a guarantee of faster and more efficient problem solution and development. Why? Nations diversity is necessary in the world because for example Finns, Zulu, Japanese, Maori, and Greeks are different nations... For example, Finns are characteristic of some features - insularity, deep thinking, particular creative pessimism, an odd sort of humor. This allows them creating unique art, successfully searching business solutions, and developing particular political views. And Zulu are linmilitant, sincere, friendly, and cheerful. This allows them having individual and completely different art, music, dances, and lifestyle. It is evident that Finnish art is particularly different from Zulu, Zulu - from Maori, Maori - from Greek, Greek - from Japan, etc.

Namely the diversity of observations, attitude, and instinctive, deep human reactions allows creating such a diverse, different, original art, and leads forward science, philosophy, and politics. People from different nations have a look at the same problem, question from different points, different sides, and seeing, distinguishing, and emphasizing different parts, elements. They try answering in various, different ways, and search for answers by different methods. This diversity and range and width of thinking allows world nations and their diversity moving forward together in all areas.

Thus, being alone is the essential disaster, which a group of people could have and which would fully prevent unclosing its nature. Progress is impossible without the cooperation of people, and working together they notice how gradually assimilate each contribution, the primary difference of which made their cooperation productive and necessary.

Considering this, Nationia offers:

a) To avoid two mistakes:

1. 1. Nations contraposition;

2. 2. Nations fusion;

b) To live consciously and forcefully:

1. 1. Collaborate escaping fusion/mixture;

2. 2. Cherish humanity/nations enshrining ones own;

3. 3. Respect others, knowingly and with satisfaction creating a family with ones countryman.

Seemingly Nationists road is difficult  – to fight between  two destructive extremes constantly: not being hostile to foreigners and controlling oneself to avoid peaceful destruction of nations - mixture, but this gradually turns into a way of life that brings joy and meaning.


Human diversity

Abilities diversity Mankind progress, essence


Therefore, cooperation, friendship, creativity, and solution of problems together should not turn into fusion, mixture, and uniformity - this may bring only relatively quick short-term "results", but eventually uniformity does not allow progressing due to the conversion of many nations into one single human race.


Nation diversity

Human diversity Abilities diversity

Mankind progress, essence


Therefore, all nations of the world are necessary for human progress. All nations of the world are value.




Part II: Nations existence


Nations existence depends on the factors of two types:

1) External;

2) Internal.

External type factors - political (wars, regulations promoting denationalization from the bad side and the ones promoting nationalism, nation growth from the good side), cultural (aggressive, global culture, takeover of foreign culture from the bad side and promotion of national from the good side), and social (demographic and social problems, opportunities).

Internal type factors - genes. Nations are characteristic of particular external and internal features which depend on genes. Nations, groups of nations have their own genes, and their combinations. The gene pool of related nations is closer, while the ones more distant – more diverse.

Unions/marriage of people from different nations. Let us take a concrete example: Lithuanian man marries a Russian woman, and they give birth to a child who may be described as “half Lithuanian, half-Russian”. Let us analyze a theoretical example further - this child being a grownup marries a daughter of Arab and French and gives birth to a child too. Who is the man? Lithuanian? Russian? Arab? French? Features of such human being body, character, temperament, and attitude would be neither Lithuanian nor French, etc. Such man is a new formation and in point of nationality he/she is neither a Lithuanian nor Russian, nor Arab, nor French.

Of course, he/she may be France citizen. But so he/she will not become French – nationality is not a record in the passport, not citizenship, not language, it is not a choice or an opinion that a person may simply change in the course of time. And if such a man calls himself/hersel French, he/she would not become one. He will be a citizen of France, but not a Frenchman. Nationality and citizenship is not the same concept, although it is often confused.

Nationality is a fusion of human behavior, physical features, temperament, and outlook, inner and uncontrolled, natural reactions to the surrounding world and which are characteristic to a particular group of people who evolved alongside.

Citizenship is individual’s belonging to a particular state; his/her constant legal relation with a particular state shows itself in the fact that a citizen has certain duties to a state and uses appropriate rights.

Some state that to be/become nation representative it is enough to grow being educated this nation traditions and culture, speak language of this nation, live in its way of life, and refer to its customs. However, this approach is naive; it forgets that despite ones traditions and culture a man, his nationality has a foundation.  That is attitude, natural human genetic features. All this reminds tree growing: it may be bent while it grows, change its shape, but an oak will never turn into a birch and will not mature acorns...

Therefore, nation survival depends on deliberate and volitional choice of people from various nationalities to create a family and have children with people from ones own nation. All the rest means of nation survival are auxiliary and doomed to fail over time if not applying  this main one  (in the absence of deliberate choice to create national marriages, sooner or later circumstances develop so that nationally mixed marriages occur in one or another family generation  irrespective of national culture promotion and patriotism cultivation).

However, starting from ourselves, we preserve not only nation, world diversity, and progress and advance possibility, but also the uniqueness for our children and future generations.

To ensure nation existence and prosperity both internal and external factors must be positive. And they are often quite closely related. However, we maintain that internal one is the most important factor of nation existence because having destructed nation genetically (voluntary or force change in human gene pool except evolutionary changes which are natural and do not reduce  diversity unless increase it), it can no longer straighten and be born again (not to mention science fiction, cloning, etc.). Meanwhile nation impoverished politically, culturally or socially (historical takeover of the other language, culture, and traditions, without its own state, and so on) can straighten and with appropriate action can even flower.

Nowadays a part of people (due to the Second World War, nation genocide cases and its result suppressed phobia) tend to vulgarize nationality nurturance and call this Nazi, fascist exaltation  of human genetic nature. But here we suggest having a look after refusal of such early fears, stereotypical views, objective of which is not true but only (imaginary) peace. "Peace" at any price. Irrespective of the fact that in such a case this price is nation diversity... and progress of all mankind...

We underline not only one or several nations but the importance of all nations. We express respect and care for all nations by maintaining the very nation, the part of which we are born. Such is our responsibility, philosophy, conscious choice, romance, and lifestyle.

Nationists want people to create national, ethnically pure families. And here comes the question then - what human being is ethnically pure representative of nation, for example real Finn? Understanding that the concept of absolute purity is basically more theoretical, even utopian, we suggest considering such man as nationally pure-blooded, whose all four grandparents are people from that nation. That is pure-blooded Finn is the man whose all four grandparents are Finns.

Genealogic researches old centenary and search for “historical truth” is not an objective of nationists. Our objective is to look into the future, maintain and strengthen our nation for the good of all mankind.



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